Art gallery specialising in African tribal art

Montagut Gallery is a specialized gallery in African tribal art, a space dedicated to exploring and celebrating the rich artistic heritage of the African continent. Founded in 1990 in Barcelona, the gallery has been a beacon for lovers of tribal art, thanks to the drive and passion of Guilhem Montagut.

Guided by his deep interest in tribal art, Guilhem Montagut immersed himself in this fascinating world under the influence of Rachel Montagut, a pioneer and visionary in the world of African tribal art, and a founding and prominent gallerist. Since then, the gallery has remained faithful to its mission of spreading the beauty and importance of African art on the international art scene.

Montagut Gallery's presence extends beyond the borders of Barcelona, actively participating in renowned global fairs such as Brafa Art Fair, Paris Tribal, Parcours des Mondes, and FAB. The gallery is dedicated to organizing multidisciplinary exhibitions that engage and confront African art with other artistic languages, creating a space for cultural exchange and reflection. Its goal is to raise awareness and promote understanding that African art is not only a unique cultural expression but also an integral and indispensable part of the world's art history heritage.


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Montagut Gallery

C/ Enrique Granados, 49 - 08008 Barcelona (see map)
+ 34 678 027 692
+34 931 414 319

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